FIS Partner

Digitise Evidence and Brief Management
with COMtrac

Deliver consistent, substantiated briefs of evidence with COMtrac. The cloud-based platform guides you through a digital workflow, maps your evidence to the points of proof, and automatically generates your investigation matrix and brief of evidence. Produce an exceptional brief of evidence while reducing your investigation timeline by 34.5%.

Have Clarity Over What is Proven and Unproven

Always know what is proven and unproven. COMtrac sets the points of proof, provides clarity over identified evidence mapped to those points of proof and ensures your investigative team delivers a consistent, quality brief of evidence. 

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Digital Workflow Guiding Investigators

Fully configured to meet your agency's needs, investigators follow a digital workflow that prepopulates the elements of the case that need to be proven. It also highlights critical information gaps. This ensures each brief is delivered to a consistent, high standard.


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Automatically Generates Briefs of Evidence

COMtrac automatically builds your investigation statement and brief of evidence. When your investigation concludes, export the brief of evidence within minutes. The software has been reported to streamline investigations by 34.5%. 


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