Abdul Hye Miah

Abdul Hye MiahAbdul Hye Miah is a retired police officer with over 30 years operational and supervisory experience as a career detective in the UK Metropolitan Police Service where he served with distinction in many specialist and general investigatory roles including Special Intelligence, Anti-Corruption, Professional Standards, Special Branch and Counter Terrorism.

A strong advocate and practitioner of rapport building engagement and communication, his abilities and experience proved crucial to the Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Command particularly in the years after the 9/11 bombings.

He was able to bring a unique perspective to investigations and work with many different communities who were not always supportive of the police.

He has been commended by Chief Officers for his work where he brought about sea change in thinking on UK Counter Terrorism Police-Community Engagement and provided exceptional and unstinting service to Kidnap and Hostage and Crisis Negotiation cases and training. 

He also helped design and deliver the highly respected UK National Advanced Counter Terrorism Interview Course (2007-2009) and served as Panel Member on the European Network of Experts on Radicalisation reporting to European Council (2008- 2010). 

In 2013, he completed a Fulbright Scholarship relating to Hostage Negotiation and has lectured and trained law enforcement and partner agencies in the USA, MENA, South East Asia and Europe on Terrorism and Advanced Communications.

Abdul Hye retired from the Police Service in 2016 and is currently, Director of Hye Consultancy Ltd and a Executive Associate with Forensic Interview Solutions.

His focus of work remains on countering terrorism and violent extremism but he also has a deep research interest in strategic communication, terrorist cultures, motivational interviewing and conflict transformation techniques.

He is a member of UK Institute of Leadership and Management and a Lecturer at London Metropolitan University.