Interview Management - Managing and Co-ordinating Interviews

Managing, advising and co-ordinating interviews for serious, complex or major investigations requires the interview adviser to be the most informed, skilful and professional individual within the interviewing arena.

You will be required to provide accurate and timely advice to the enquiry management team on interview related matters.

The role will require the co-ordination of witness interviews together with suspect interviews. You will be require to evaluate information from numerous sources including witness accounts, interviews with suspects, crime scene evaluation forensic evaluation and relevant specialist advice.

The role requires liaison and negotiation with custody officers, medical teams, solicitors specialists, experts and the use of multi site and multi suspect scenarios. The use of remote monitoring is critical to the effective management of issues and problems that arise within the interview environment.

You will be required to debrief the interview teams and provide accurate feedback on their performance whilst providing an accurate briefing to the management team.

You must be able to accurately document your decisions whilst ensuring all aims and objective are met.



  • Fully understand their role
  • Learn from previous case reviews
  • Understand current legislation and guidance
  • Psychological factors relating to interview behaviour
  • Apply an appropriate decision making model
  • Select appropriate interview teams
  • Understand relevant briefing models
  • Manage conflict with SIO
  • Evaluate interview plans
  • Advise on interview formats
  • Prepare interview strategies
  • Evaluate all available material
  • Provide specialist briefings
  • Effectively analyse interviewing material
  • Develop investigative strategies
  • Deal with multiple suspects
  • Provide feedback to interview teams
  • Provide a detailed update to the investigation management team


Features and Benefits

Interviews that are professionally undertaken and quality assured can have several advantages for your business.

They are:

  • Direct an investigation
  • Support the prosecution case, which saves time, money and resources
  • Increases public confidence in the Organisation
  • Reduces reputational risk


Delivering high quality training to nationally recognised occupational standards will enhance the reputation of your service.

Course Structure

The course is designed to meet all the required components of the National Occupation standards as set by Skills For Justice.

The course is presented using a variety of learning styles such as:

Board blasts, power-points, group work, exercises, and interview practical's.

Students are provided with a range of hand-outs to support their learning.

Each student will receive a written evaluation of their performance during relevant exercises


Target Groups

The course is aimed at all those whose role is to assist an Investigating Officer or Senior Investigating Officer by managing the interview process.

Agencies such as:

  • Police
  • Military
  • Public Sector Investigation Teams
  • Private Sector Investigation Teams
  • Border Agency
  • H & S Executive
  • IPCC

Number of Students

The course can be taught to a minimum of 8 and to a maximum of 14 students

Quality Assurance

All of our trainers have significant practical experience in the arenas of Interview Management and Forensic Investigative Interviewing.

In addition all have academic qualification in both relevant subject matter.

The content of our training programmes are regularly reviewed and updated in the light of changing policy and legislation, research, learning from Serious Case Reviews


For more information Email Us

Course Enquiry

If you would like to find out more about our courses, feel free to get in touch with us below.