Conversation Management (CM) Courses

Within Investigative Interviewing the aim of Conversation Management (CM) is to put in place a structure for interviewing anyone who you may suspect to be providing false information whether it is over the phone or in person.

CM provides an open minded approach to evaluate the information obtained from someone which can then be tested against the information already established. This will determine whether their account is truthful. It is a simple user friendly guide of how to obtain accurate and reliable information in order to discover the truth about any incident identifying offenders and effectively saving your organisation time and money.

We will specifically design and tailor CM for your Government Organisation in line with your current practices and legislation. The training packages are designed around the delivery of the structure and theory of CM and then to embed CM each investigator has the chance to conduct a full interview.

CM outlines how to make the interview simple and is developed through the following phases:

  • Planning and Preparation
  • Introduction – Engage and Explain
  • Initiate a First Account
  • Questioning skills within the Model
  • Topic setting – varied and extensive retrieval of information
  • Challenge phase – account given by suspect vs. facts already established
  • Summary and Closure


Role Play

The interview role play scenarios enable the participant to demonstrate interview skills and embed learning via practice. Again, the practice of actually doing the interview via video link enables the individual to utilise the model in realistic conditions, while the rest of the team assesses their colleague’s performance. The principles of adult learning and feedback from this training supports the view that individuals benefit from the action learning experience.

Training Documentation

A full debrief after each role play provides the individual with valuable feedback for development. A comprehensive debrief document will be prepared after the programme for each individual as a reference record of their performance and a recording of their interview will highlight areas for development.

In line with current International best practice for quality control, further interviews conducted in the field will be assessed within a 6-12 month period to ensure staff are utilising the Model to attain a Tier 1 qualification and look to progress to the next level within the Tier structure.

Business Outcomes

  • More effective fraud prevention leading to increased levels of detection of offenders
  • Improved levels of knowledge, planning, and interviewer skills raise effectiveness and save time, with relevant cost benefit
  • Raising staff confidence levels, leads to increased job satisfaction and reduced staff turnover
  • Improved control of interview contact and content leads to cases containing more relevant details, checkable facts and identified inconsistencies

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Course Enquiry

If you would like to find out more about our courses, feel free to get in touch with us below.