Start: 31 Mar 2025
End: 11 Apr 2025
The interview process is an essential part of any information gathering procedure for any investigation. Investigative interviewing in the context of any investigation can be defined as being:
"The questioning of victims, witnesses, and suspects (interviewee) to obtain complete, accurate and reliable information to discover the truth about the matter under investigation"
In this virtual blended course, we examine the elements of investigative interviewing, the knowledge required to adopt the PEACE framework and the science behind it. It combines the FIS® online course with Zoom virtual theory sessions and interview scenario role-plays over a 3 week programme.
More Flexible - ELearning can be done in short chunks of time that can fit around your daily schedule
Mobile - As eLearning can be done on laptops, tablets and phones, it is a very mobile method of learning
No Travel - As just mentioned, eLearning can be done wherever you have a device capable of doing so
Lower Cost - As you aren’t using a trainer’s time or any room or equipment, eLearning tends to be the much cheaper option
Global - With very few restrictions companies can be confident that their staff can receive the same content regardless of their location, and in many cases, their nationality
The aim of all professional interviewers is to develop the interpersonal skills required to ask the right questions in such a way that a full and truthful account is provided by the interviewee.
The task of the interviewer is to create an environment where the interviewee feels comfortable to participate in an ethical exchange of information.
The interviewing of victims, witnesses and suspects is an everyday part of an investigator’s role. It is the formal means by which vital information and evidence is obtained in relation to incidents.
It requires specific skills to obtain information and evidence in a way that conforms to the laws of that jurisdiction.
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
This course is comprised of 14 online modules and over 30 hours of practical sessions on Zoom containing theory sessions and interview role-play scenarios. The online course modules are as follows:
Module 1: Course Introduction
Module 2: Investigative Interviewing
Module 3: Core Knowledge: Investigative Interviewing Skills
Module 4: Core Knowledge: The Memory Process
Module 5: Core Knowledge: Questioning Skills
Module 6: Core Knowledge: Assessing Information and Making Decisions
Module 7: Victim and Witness Interviews: Planning and Preparation
Module 8: Victim and Witness Interviews: Engage and Explain
Module 9: Victim and Witness Interviews: Account, Clarification, Challenge and Closure
Module 10: Victim and Witness Interviews: Evaluation
Module 11: Suspect Interviews: Planning and Preparation
Module 12: Suspect Interviews: Engage and Explain
Module 13: Suspect Interviews: Account, Clarification, Challenge and Closure
Module 14: Suspect Interviews: Evaluation
The first time you take this course, go through the modules in sequential order as per timetable Once you have completed the modules, the final assessment can be taken.